Disciplina :: Teorias da complexidade na comunicação: culturas e poéticas das redes Aula 2: 11/8/2016 Tema da aula: Comunicação e Complexidade Texto obrigatório PETERS, John Durham (2008). “Communication, History of the Idea.” International Encyclopedia of Communication. Ed. Wolfgang Donsbach. Oxford: Blackwell, 689-693. http://bit.ly/2azIQsl Ver também: CASTELLS, Manuel. (2007). Communication, Power and Counter-power in the Network Society. International Journal of Communication, pp. 238–66. CRAIG, Robert. (2008). Communication in the Conversation of Disciplines. Russian Journal of Communication, pp. 7–24. DONSBACH, Wolfgang (2006). The identity of communication research. Journal of Communication. 56:3, pp. 437-448. DONSBACH, Wolfgang (2008). The International Encyclopedia of Communication online. http://www.communicationencyclopedia.com/public/editor GARCIA-JIMENEZ, L., Simonson, P., Siebers, J. Craig, R. (2012). Some ...