Comunicação e Complexidade
Disciplina :: Teorias da complexidade na comunicação: culturas e poéticas
das redes
Aula 2: 11/8/2016
Tema da aula:
Comunicação e Complexidade
Texto obrigatório
PETERS, John Durham (2008). “Communication, History of the
Idea.” International Encyclopedia of Communication. Ed. Wolfgang Donsbach.
Oxford: Blackwell, 689-693.
Ver também:
CASTELLS, Manuel. (2007). Communication, Power and
Counter-power in the Network Society. International Journal of Communication,
pp. 238–66.
CRAIG, Robert. (2008). Communication in the Conversation of
Disciplines. Russian Journal of Communication, pp. 7–24.
DONSBACH, Wolfgang (2006). The identity of communication
research. Journal of Communication. 56:3, pp. 437-448.
DONSBACH, Wolfgang (2008). The International Encyclopedia of
Communication online.
GARCIA-JIMENEZ, L., Simonson, P., Siebers, J. Craig, R.
(2012). Some foundational conceptions of communication: Revising and expanding
the traditions of thought. Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of
Communication 4: 1, pp. 73–92.
FRANÇA, Vera Veiga (2001). Paradigmas da Comunicação:
conhecer o quê? Ciberlegenda.
MARQUES DE MELO, José (2008). O campo da Comunicação no
Brasil. Petrópolis: Vozes.
MARTINO, Luiz C. (org.) (2007). Teorias da Comunicação:
muitas ou poucas? Cotia: Ateliê Editorial.
PETERS, John Durham (1999). Speaking into the Air: A History of the Idea of Communication. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
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