Call for papers!
The 11th Consciousness International Reframed conference

In cooperation with the Planetary Collegium, University of Plymouth, England, TEKS – Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre, Trondheim, Norway, is hosting the 11th Consciousness Reframed International Research Conference, with the title of ‘MAKING REALITY REALLY REAL‘. The conference will be part of Norway´s new biennial for art and technology, Meta.Morf, that takes place in Trondheim from October 7 to November 7, 2010.

The Consciousness Reframed conference series was founded by Roy Ascott at the University of Wales in 1997. Consciousness Reframed is a forum for trans-disciplinary inquiry into art, science, technology, design and consciousness, drawing upon the expertise and insights of artists, designers, architects, performers, musicians, writers, scientists, and scholars, usually from at least 20 countries.


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